
The brand was born beside the waves on Sydney’s romantic and beautiful Cronulla Beach – the native Australian name means ‘place of pink seashells’ – we are committed to treading lightly on the Earth. We have always had a connection to Nature and our packaging is 100% recyclable and cruelty free.
Our brand's commitment to eco-ethical beauty is evident in our carefully chosen coastal ingredients, reflecting a conscious effort to foster a closer connection to the planet while prioritising sustainability.
We embrace initiatives that drive improved sustainability.
Intent to tread as lightly as we can
Our Environmental Sustainability Policy formalises our commitment to supporting the principles of environmental sustainability.
Our commitment for JUSTICE is to:
- Maximise our sustainable approach at all levels from concept and formulation, to product delivery.
- Continually improve our environmental footprint and sustainability enhancements.
- Consciously choose partners and suppliers with aligned values and approaches.
Acting where we can to protect our world and community
We humans unfortunately have had a negative impact on the world we live in. We believe in doing what we can where we can to address this, while minimising our ongoing footprint and optimising the measures we can take to boost environmental sustainability.
In producing our JUSTICE Professional range, we commit to the following principles and practices:
- Monitoring and managing our environmental performance and working towards targets set to reduce adverse impacts.
- Reducing the consumption of natural resources in daily operations, including water, paper and energy.
- Maximising the recycling of resources.
- Ensuring all packaging is recyclable and ideally made from sustainable materials.
- Ensuring suppliers meet our implemented standards of environmental performance with a view to ensuring ideally that all ingredients are ethically sourced and produced and that our products are cruelty free.
- Disposing of waste appropriately, including e-waste at designated e-waste centres.
- Committing to the principles of environmental sustainability including reducing pollution, increasing the use of recyclable, sustainable and cruelty-free ingredients and processes.
- Minimising pollution by taking steps to limit carbon emissions resulting from vehicle and air travel.
- Complying with relevant Australian Commonwealth, State and Local environmental policy, practices, regulations and legislation, and industry-specific legislation.
- Communicating this policy to all employees, contractors and other stakeholders, as well as making this policy available to the general public.
- Reporting on the company’s environmental performance in both internal and external communications where relevant.
- Reviewing this policy annually, and measuring targets and performance as part of that review and in the context of global initiatives.